I forgot to mention on Friday, not surprising I hadn’t slept all night, so at 06:30 I went out for a 5 mile walk - thought I’d put some credits in the exercise bank while I still could and it was a beautiful sunrise.
I was sent home from hospital on Friday with a little bag of goodies
Dexamethasone (steroids) - 3 a day first x days )
Ondanestron - 2 a day first 3 days ) to prevent/counteract nausea/sickness
Metroclopramide - upto 3 a day as required )
Plus daily Fultium-D to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Having already been given anti sickness meds in a drip, plus 4 steroid tables, again to counteract nausea/sickness I was more than a little alarmed to be given this lot too - obviously a dose of PFTWHFTB was needed🤮🤢🤮🤢
Luckily it seems I’ve got off lightly, Friday afternoon I had a couple of brief waves of nausea so took one of “as required” tablets and that seemed to do the trick. Then a bad headache but I’m cleared to take paracetamol as long as I check my temperature first (paracetamol lowers temp and can mask a fever).
On Saturday I walked down to my Mum’s flat, only a mile and all downhill, but I was pleased with that. Then Ian met me in the car and we did a few bits of shopping, By Saturday afternoon the headache had gone and I definitely had an appetite. Other than being a little tired (afternoon nap) and rather “bunged up” to put it delicately that’s my side effects for now.
I’d say that for me, this time, I just felt like I’ve had a massive two day hangover.
Today, Sunday, I helped Ian in the garden for 3 hours shredding shrub prunings, then did a tip run with the rubbish. Hour's sleep and whacked out now with another headache but all in all not to bad.
Although I am aware of all the probable and possible side effects, I have decided not to write about any of them unless I actually suffer from them - no chance of auto-suggestion creeping in then 👹