We had a meeting with Onco last Monday and for once she was running early. She was very pleased I didn't have any severe side effects to report and will arrange for some mouthwash to be prescribed for the next infusion to help with the sore mouth (she did offer it there and then but at the time it wasn't too bad - got worse again after we'd seen her! 😢). Low platelets, low WBC and increased liver function were all to be expected and nothing to worry about and with regard to the lack of taste/horrid taste - sorry nothing she can do.
We raised the subject of holidays, minor in the big scheme of things I know but although I've been PFTWHFTB we felt we needed to know where we stood. Have the blood clots put the kibosh on long haul flying for good? Thankfully the answer was "No" they are a known PICC line related issue and once that's gone I should be OK. She confirmed that the anti coagulant injections must continue for 6 weeks after the line is removed. 💉💉💉.
(Quick rant about my GP - Onco wrote updating him on the blood clots and asking him to take over issuing prescriptions until mid March. So the first one I collected, on Christmas Eve, was for just 10 syringes - not sure how he thinks that's sufficient. Repeat request immediately put in - no wonder GPs say they're overworked, mine creates his own, he could easily have done 28 days worth!!!)
So that was fantastic news about the blood clots and then I asked about holidaying whilst on Herceptin (injections continue every 3 weeks throughout 2019) and I think she must have read my mind as her reply was "well, probably alright as long as it's not to Timbuktu". No, said I, only Kenya 🦁🐘🐒 🐘🦒
Unfortunately she has said we need to stay within Europe as medical facilities are considered better. I'm really sad about that, but at least we can still travel and there are loads of places on our map still to scratch off. That's of course assuming I can get travel insurance at an affordable cost and, if not, Scotland and Wales here we come
Otherwise, this week has continued much the same as the last one; a few minor niggles to add
- occasionally numb toes
- fingers wizened like they've been in water for ages
- red, flaky cheeks (chemo rash)
- unbelievable flatulence 😲😲😲😲😲
- vertigo - this first presented on Christmas Eve and got steadily worse. On 27/12 (Ian's Birthday) I headed out shopping but quickly realised I shouldn't be driving. It comes and goes and seems to wear off as the day progresses
- a sudden increase in freckles - I've always had the large mole but the freckles are new
I've know I've already talked about hair loss but here's a new twist. Although I was aware the effects of chemo would be on most/all hair (it doesn't discriminate!) I wasn't prepared for one particular knock-on effect and actually I thought I was imaging it at first. Then I read someone else's blog on the subject and realised it wasn't just me - I really wish I could find that blog again and quote from it as the author described the problem far more delicately than I'm about to - you have been warned!
OK here goes - red face with embarrassment 😳😳😳😳😳 - when you have a completely bald undercarriage, weeing is a bit of a hit and miss affair. I never realised that pubic hair serves a purpose in directioning wee and without any the wee goes where ever it likes, including butt cheeks and (if you're like me and won't sit on public toilets) down your legs. Once you realise this happens, its easily dealt with but for a short while I'd happily re-dress as normal and wonder why I felt "damp" in unusual places.
There I've said it - and I'm still embarrassed 😳😳😳😳😳 but I promised to be truthful and I pray to God (the real one) you'll never be in the situation but ................... at least you'd know 😜