Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Why Am I Writing A Blog?

I've decided to write a blog for several reasons

  • it helps me to make sense of everything that is happening and enables me to keep a certain degree of perspective
  • when I do finally tell more friends and family it will save them having to hear all the details - I can just send them the link and they can catch up or skip as they please ðŸ˜œ
  • I enjoy writing my holiday blogs but they may have to take a back seat for a while
  • it proves to me that I can learn about matters totally outside of anything I could previously comprehend or indeed conceive (quite important as you get older and don't have to learn for work etc)
  • further down the line when all is good again, inevitably I will forget some of what is actually happening.  Certainly my emotions will be different and hopefully I will be able to look back with a wry smile and wonder what all the fuss was about
and, probably most importantly

  • somehow gives me a feeling of being in control of the situation (not sure I can explain that)
and having listed all that, I've suddenly remembered the word that probably covers all the above - it's cathartic ðŸ˜Œ