Well I’ve been a little tardy with this post, but to be perfectly honest there hasn’t been a great deal to write about.
We were able to celebrate Ian's birthday with the usual family gathering, maybe a little less riotous than in previous years but then again our granddaughters are getting older too.
My energy levels have recovered nicely; the 2 mile walk down and back to check on Mum has been quite manageable and on Tuesday Ian and I did a long, 2 hour walk from our house across to the top of the North Downs which was fantastic although I was pretty shattered when we got home. 😴😴😴😴😴
And most of the other side effects mentioned in the last post have either gone or lessened so not of bother.
So far for me this drug doesn’t seem to be living up to its reputation 👹👹👹 - "Big Daddy", "The Batterer" etc - and long may that continue 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Just one visit to the Galton Unit for a line flush and bloods in preparation for T Cycle 2 - let's hope the idea of starting me on the immune boosting injections immediately and for longer did the trick and I'll be considered ready for another poisoning. It was a bit busy as they were still playing catch up from the Christmas/New Year closures but all in all we didn't have to wait too long.
I can't believe on Friday I'll be having my (hopefully) penultimate dose of chemo - the time has flown by.